Sunday, January 5, 2020

Criminal Justice What Does it Mean to Provide Justice

What does it mean to provide justice? Criminal justice is a term that is often used to describe topics such as the procedure by which criminal conduct is investigated, charges brought, arrests made, evidence gathered, trials conducted, sentences rendered and punishment carried out. The â€Å"British philosopher and statesman Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881) defined justice as â€Å"truth in action.† A popular dictionary defines it as â€Å"the principle of moral rightness, or conformity to truth (Schmalleger F., 2013).† Justices is the process of making those who have been wronged whole. It is the process of giving the victims the relief, that the wrong doer is being punished for their unlawful actions. Was justice applied in the scenario discussed Dale and Mike Parak case, the answer is both yes and no (Schmalleger F., 2013). Yes, because Dale did commit a crime when he choose to use the 38-caliber revolver to complete the suicide. Mike did not agree to death by gun so there for this is an act against his will. Both participates agree to death by tranquilizers neither Mike nor Dale gave consent to use a gun. No, because the charges that where filed against Dale where incorrect (in my opinion). The charges where elements for 1st-degree, premeditated murder are 1) the unlawful killing; 2) with malice aforethought; 3) of another human being. The element that must be present to charge one with 1st-degree is when one kills an individual without lawful justification. â€Å"In order to convict ofShow MoreRelatedEye For An Eye Is The Best Way Of Dealing With Criminal Behavior856 Words   |  4 Pagesdespite the existence of law. However, someone may ask what is the best way of dealing with criminal behavior? Should the society embrace the concept of â€Å"an eye for an eye† or â€Å"get to the root† of the problem, or just simply to focus on and assist the victim (Schmalleger Smykla, 2012 pg. 12)? 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